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Target Funding Grants, Summer Youth Corps Applicants

The 2024 Summer Youth Corps interns and program supervisor.

Image via Foundations Community Partnership.

The 2024 Summer Youth Corps interns and program supervisor. (back row, from left) Samantha Rosinski, Supervisor Patrick Reynolds, Ava Musolino, Natalie Biedermann, Alan Bai, Grace King. (front row from left: Katherine Hanlon, Kassidy Shaw, Sydney White, Katharine Catalano, Nina Harris, Jennifer Ackert.

Foundations Community Partnership (FCP) is now accepting applications from eligible nonprofits for its Target Funding-General Operating Support Grant cycle (TF-GOS).

In addition, FCP is seeking applications from graduate students majoring in social work, psychology, or related field to help run its acclaimed Summer Youth Corps program (SYC) in 2025.

FCP’s TF-GOS Grant was first awarded in 2020 to give nonprofits flexibility in pursuing their goals as they see fit, and to build a strong and sustainable infrastructure to provide programs and services that will have the greatest impact on Bucks County’s children, young adults, and families.

TF-GOS (from left, clockwise): 2024 General Operating Support Grant recipients Ann Silverman Community Health Clinic, BARC Developmental Services, YMCA of Bucks and Hunterdon Counties, and The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania. Image via Foundations Community Partnership.

Eligible nonprofits can submit a Letter of Inquiry by Jan. 15, 2025. Find out more about this grant.

Like TF-GOS, FCP’s Summer Youth Program is currently accepting applications from graduate students interested in assisting in the weekly supervision of undergraduate students, liaising with site supervisors, conducting field work, and participating in workshops and discussions.

The Summer Youth Program is a 10-week internship program that places up to 12 college students with select non-profit organizations serving Bucks County.

Since 2008, 215 SYC interns contributed 61,920 service hours at 40 participating nonprofits. The successful applicant will serve 12 weeks (May to August) as a “Program Supervisor” based out of FCP’s Doylestown office.

To apply for this paid position, graduate students should e-mail their resume to Find out more.

Foundations Community Partnership (FCP) is a philanthropic grant-making foundation supporting the behavioral health and human service needs of children, young adults, and families in Bucks County.

FCP provides grants to non-profit organizations, awards scholarships to Bucks County high school seniors, subsidizes service-learning internships for college students, and underwrites professional development opportunities.

Learn about the Foundations Community Partnership and its mission. You can also call for information at (267) 247-5584.

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