United Way worker says position is a “once-in-a-lifetime” job

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CHILLICOTHE — At 24 years old Trevor Clark is helping those at his job with United Way of Ross County.
He said this position is a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity for him and he is proud to be able to shed light on the ways non-profits help the community.
“I am really lucky to have been granted the chance to create positive change,” said Clark.
Growing up Clark always wanted to help others and was influenced by nonprofits. He would often help the Ohio’s Cirque D’ Art Theatre in Portsmouth along with his sister. When he moved to Ross County Clark knew he wanted to continue supporting the community around him which is why he was so happy to start the Community Engagement Coordinator position with United Way.
“If it weren’t for that nonprofit I wouldn’t be where I am today,” said Clark. “I wouldn’t be the person I am now.”
In this role, he oversees various programs within the organization such as the Mighty Active Pack Club, Success by 6, Produce Market Program, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program, and Dine United. Each program works to help those in the community in various ways including providing meals to those who are food insecure, helping with educational support and providing free tax return help to low-income taxpayers.
While he is trying to increase community support for United Way Clark is also working to build connections with local businesses and volunteers. He hopes to be able to connect with others in the community who want to create a positive change and be a voice for the younger demographic of Ross County.
Clark said it has been “empowering” being able to give back through the programs. As he works on new ideas he enjoys seeing how acts of kindness can change a person’s life.
In the future, Clark hopes that his work has a positive impact on those who are hungry in the community and helps people understand that it is OK to ask for help. He encourages those in need or going through a hard time to remember that they are not alone and that there are people who want to help them and share hope.
” I hope all members of our community can understand the impact we truly make in our community,” said Clark.
If you are or know someone who is making positive waves in Ross County while being under the age of 40 please consider nominating them to be a gamechanger by reaching out to reporter Shelby at SReeves@Gannett.com