H.R. 9495: A weapon against nonprofits and free expression
There’s a new bill advancing to the Senate that poses a grave threat to our free speech and the important work of nonprofits around the country – including in our safe and secluded mountain town.
The legislation, H.R. 9495, would give the Trump administration (and future ones) unprecedented power to stifle dissent. Any nonprofit that criticizes government policies could have its tax-exempt status revoked under vague and arbitrary claims of being “terrorist supporting.”
Regardless of your political creed, this bill is plainly un-American. It’s a direct attack on the very organizations that serve as watchdogs for democracy, and it’s easy to see how such unchecked power could be weaponized against those who stand up for environmental protections, housing justice or Indigenous rights. For small communities like ours, the consequences could be devastating.
Even if you support Trump, remember: A Democrat could one day wield this awesome power.
H.R. 9495 narrowly passed the House (with the help of 15 Democrats!), but opposition made a difference. Over 40 representatives changed their stance after hearing from voters. We cannot let that momentum wane. Now is the time to let our senators know we won’t stand for this blatant attack on our First Amendment rights.
Call Senators John Hickenlooper (202) 224-5941 and Michael Bennet (202) 224-5852 or (970) 259-1710 today. Flood their inboxes and social media with a clear message: Vote “no” on H.R. 9495. Our democracy thrives on robust debate and activism, not fear and suppression.
Chris Cottrell