National Philanthropy Day Raises Over $520K to Local Non-Profits – X101 Always Classic
The Cortland Community Foundation says money raised during National Philanthropy Day back on November 15th, brought in $522,187.07 in donations for 2024, an increase of nearly $100,000 from the year prior in donations. The Community Foundation also added $31,000 in grants for a total of $553,187.07 that will be given to 48 different local nonprofits.
The Cortland Community Foundation is the only public foundation responding, exclusively to the needs of Cortland area organizations and the people they serve. Grants from the Foundation help support capital improvement projects and provide many types of equipment, materials and supplies for local organizations. Since its founding in 1998, the foundation has provided through its grant program and Philanthropy Day over $6 million dollars.
This year’s organizations with the highest number of donations received are:
- 1st Place – $7,000 awarded to the CNY Living History Center with 167 donations received
- 2nd Place – $3,000 awarded to the Cortland County Historical Society with 115 donations received
- 3rd Place – $1,500 awarded to the United Presbyterian Church with 56 donations received
The organizations with the Highest total dollar amount raised are:
- 1st Place – $10,000 awarded to the YWCA of Cortland with $103,725.44 in donations
- 2nd Place – $4,500 awarded to the Cortland Repertory Theatre with $64,620 in donations
- 3rd Place – $2,000 awarded to Lime Hollow Nature Center with $34,240.44 in donations.