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Youth Leaders Transform Snowy Holiday Celebration Into Community Force – Pasadena Now

[Day One photo]

Nonprofit Day One’s youth advocates and alumni are preparing to host their 16th annual Cherishing Children Holiday Celebration, transforming their Pasadena headquarters into a winter wonderland for local families facing economic hardship.

The free community event, scheduled for Friday, December 13, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., will feature 20 tons of snow, photos with Santa, arts and crafts, hot cocoa, gift distribution, and parent resource information for families in need.

“Our first event, hosted in 2008, was organized to help local families affected by the economic hard times. Thanks to the support of community members, we were able to serve over 500 children in 2008,” said Executive Director Christy Zamani, who has led the 37-year-old nonprofit since 2007.

The celebration has grown significantly since its inception during the 2008 financial crisis, now serving more than 700 family members by 2023.

Working alongside Operations Director Jazmin Jimenez, the event relies heavily on Day One youth advocates and alumni who contribute by collecting toys, creating decorations, and organizing activities at the organization’s headquarters at 175 N. Euclid Ave. near City Hall.

“Our team puts in the heart work to create a space to connect as neighbors, parents, and as a community. Our goal is to make sure that families know they are valued, that they have community, and to make sure everyone has a good holiday season,” Zamani said.

“This event is truly a labor of love. It is a collective community that lets us wrap our arms around the highest need families in our community and tell them that we’re here for them and that we care.”

The initiative has built partnerships with the Pasadena Fire Department, Armory Center for the Arts, and various local businesses serving as toy collection points. Currently, Day One is seeking support for specific aspects of the celebration, including sponsorships for the snow zone, toys for youth aged 11-16, waterproof gloves for snow play activities, and volunteer support for decoration and wrapping activities.

Beyond the holiday celebration, the event serves as an entry point to Day One’s comprehensive year-round services. These include their Youth Advocate Program for ages 12-18, parent support initiatives, Summer SKILLZ credit recovery program, safe medication disposal services, active transportation programs, prevention programs, substance abuse prevention, life skills education, community health initiatives, and ongoing community connection and support.

The organization, which provides public health services in Pasadena, has established itself as a model for youth-led community initiatives and a gateway to comprehensive year-round services.

Those interested in supporting the event can host a toy collection box, organize an internal office toy drive, or make cash donations at For more information, call (626) 229-9750.

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