Making spirits bright: Local nonprofits to give back to this holiday season
While many of us are busy preparing for family meals and festive celebrations, the holiday season is also an opportune time to embrace the spirit of giving. Whether it’s donating time, goods or funds, there are countless opportunities to give back right here in Garfield County. Check out some local organizations below for ideas on how to spread a little extra warmth and cheer this holiday season.
Note: For many of the charities listed, Colorado Gives Foundation will match the first month of new recurring monthly donations up to $100 through Tuesday, Dec. 10, with a total match pool of $250,000 across all organizations.
All listed organizations are 501(c)(3) nonprofits. Donations may be tax deductible or eligible for a state tax credit.
Advocate Safehouse Project (ASP)
What it does: ASP offers services including a 24 hour helpline, safe house, support groups and outreach for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. The nonprofit has provided over 48,821 nights of safe shelter for over 1,241 adult survivors and their 1,235 children since it was founded in 1987.
Where it is: 109 Eighth St., Glenwood Springs
Volunteer: Contact Crystal Young at crystal@advocatesafehouse.org or by phone at 970-456-1198 or 970-928-2071 to help cover the 24-hour ASP Helpline from home. No experience is needed — helpline volunteers complete a 30-hour training program and supplemental trainings via Zoom.
Contribute: Make a financial donation or fundraise for ASP at coloradogives.org/organization/AdvocateSafehouseProject. In-kind donations of laundry detergent, dryer sheets, new full-size bottles of body lotion, diapers and baby wipes, non-perishable food, cleaning supplies including Clorox wipes, dishwasher detergent, dish soap, toilet cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, toilet paper, paper towels, new pillows, journals and gift cards to City Market, Safeway, Walmart and Target are also needed. Call 970-945-2632 to make an in-kind donation or drop items off at the Glenwood Springs Police Department, 101 Eighth St., Glenwood Springs, with a note including your name and address.
Buddy Program
What it does: The Buddy Program provides mentorship opportunities for youths from Aspen to Glenwood Springs and Rifle. Programs offered include one-on-one mentoring with adult volunteers in community or school-based settings, peer mentoring, and Leadership through Exploration, Action and Discovery, a group experiential mentoring program.
Where it is: The Buddy Program has two Garfield County offices: Silver Club Building, 715 Grand Ave., Offices Two and B, Glenwood Springs and Third Street Center, 520 South Third St. Unit 15, Carbondale.
Volunteer: Become a Big Buddy and meet with a Little Buddy three to four times a month for a year through the community-based program, or once a week during lunch and recess throughout the school year through the school-based program. Volunteer at events like the Buddy Bash, Annual Picnic or Gingerbread House Workshop Assembly throughout the year or invite a youth to join the program at buddyprogram.org/get-involved. Call 970-920-2130 for more information.
Contribute: Financially support peer-to-peer sites, training and screening for Big Buddies, activities for a community-based pair and more at buddyprogram.org/get-involved.
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Denver
What it does: Catholic Charities offers shelter, affordable housing, early childhood education, food and clothing, emergency services, senior services and more at 76 locations throughout the Front Range and Western Slope.
Where it is: 1004 Grand Ave., Glenwood Springs
Volunteer: Catholic Charities has many volunteer opportunities, including child care assistance for mothers and families, life skills classes and front desk client and phone support. Contact Catholic Charities at volunteer@ccdenver.org to brainstorm volunteer opportunities and new engagement services or visit ccdenver.org/volunteer/ or call 970-384-2060 for more information.
Contribute: Set up a monthly donation, one-time donation and learn about planned giving at ccdenver.org/donate/. Items such as new or gently used clothing, small household goods, books, bedding and personal hygiene items can be donated at Samaritan House, 2301 Lawrence St., Denver. Donations that support children in need or families and individuals experiencing homelessness are eligible for a state tax credit.
Colorado Animal Rescue (C.A.R.E.)
What it does: Colorado Animal Rescue is an animal resource center that operates as a pet intake and adoption facility and offers feral cat trap-neuter-return assistance, low cost vaccine clinics, free pet identification and a pet food bank.
Where it is: 2801 County Road 114, Glenwood Springs
Volunteer: Volunteer as a cleaning or event helper or dog walker, take a dog on a day hike, spend time with cats and more. All ages are welcome, but anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Complete a volunteer application at coloradoanimalrescue.org/volunteer/ or email volunteer@coloradoanimalrescue.org or call 970-947-9173 for more information.
Contribute: Make a donation at coloradoanimalrescue.org/donate/. Give back to C.A.R.E. through a Chewy referral code, sign up for the City Market Community Rewards Program, or find information about donating a car, pet food or supplies at coloradoanimalrescue.org/donate/other-ways-give/.
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for Children of the Ninth
What it does: CASA of the Ninth provides trained court appointed volunteer advocates who help abused and neglected children in the Ninth Judicial District get out of the child welfare, foster care, and legal systems and into safe and permanent homes. CASA’s Supervised Parenting Time Program provides a safe, neutral environment for children to visit and connect with non-custodial family members.
Where it is: 110 Eighth St., Glenwood Springs
Volunteer: Apply to become a court appointed volunteer advocate at casaoftheninth.org/volunteer-overview/ or call 970-987-4332 for more information. Volunteers are trained and don’t need a background in social work or law. Interested community members must be 21 years or older and pass a background check to be eligible to volunteer.
Contribute: Set up a monthly donation to help cover gas for home visits, increased outreach and family support systems and advocacy for children in court at casaoftheninth.org/donatetocasa/. Donations are eligible for the Colorado Child Care Tax Credit.
Habitat for Humanity Roaring Fork Valley (RFV)
What it does: Habitat RFV advocates for affordable housing and encourages the reuse of donated items at ReStore, which helps fund affordable homeownership developments from Parachute to Aspen. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside Habitat for Humanity staff and volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage.
Where it is: 53 Calaway Court, Glenwood Springs
Volunteer: Volunteer at ReStore or learn how to spend a day building affordable homes at a jobsite at habitatroaringfork.org/pages/volunteer-opportunities or call 970-945-9138 for more information. No retail or construction experience is required.
Contribute: Make a one-time donation, sign up for monthly donations, or learn how to donate household goods to ReStore at habitatroaringfork.org/pages/be-a-difference-maker. Learn about vehicle or land donations, matching gifts and more at habitatroaringfork.org/pages/other-ways-to-give. Donations are eligible for state income tax credits and may be eligible for an Enterprise Zone Credit.
What it does: LIFT-UP works to end hunger through education, understanding and equitable food security for community members from Parachute to Aspen. LIFT-UP provides fixed food pantries and drive through food distribution as well as affordable clothes, shoes, and household goods at multiple thrift stores in Garfield County.
Where it is: LIFT-Up Headquarters, 100 Midland Ave., Unit 270, Glenwood Springs, Catholic Charities, 1004 Grand Ave., Glenwood Springs, River Center, 126 North Fourth St., New Castle, 800 Railroad Ave., Rifle, 201 East First St., Parachute, 520 South Third St., Carbondale
Volunteer: Volunteer at a food distribution site, thrift store, soup kitchen or host a food drive by completing a volunteer form at liftup.org/get-involved/ or call 970-625-4496 for more information.
Contribute: Donate to the plate and help feed those in need at liftup.org/.
Salvation Army
What it does: A part of the universal Christian Church, Salvation Army is an international organization that assists around 25 million Americans annually. In the Intermountain Division, made up of Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming, the Salvation Army served over two million meals, provided over 90,000 toys, 526,000 nights of shelter and served more than 350,000 people in 2021, according to the latest available data.
Where it is: 201 14th St. No. 125, Glenwood Springs
Volunteer: Ring the bell at a Red Kettle, volunteer to help with emergency disaster services or help with clerical, cleaning and organization work at the local office. Volunteer opportunities can be found at volunteer.usawest.org. Call 970-945-6976 for more information.
Contribute: Find out how to donate money, cryptocurrency, goods and clothes, bonds, stocks and more at westernusa.salvationarmy.org/usw_thq/other_ways_to_give/
Symphony in the Valley
What it does: For 31 years this volunteer symphony has given local musicians performance opportunities, offered local, live classical music performances and encouraged and fostered musicianship in young community members. The symphony also works with local music educators to provide and repair instruments for high-need middle school or high school students, sponsors lessons for local students and has a scholarship fund for symphony musicians who are graduating high school seniors.
Where it is: Symphony in the Valley rehearses and performs at various Garfield County venues throughout the year. Visit sitv.org/wp/upcoming-events/ to find out where the symphony will be next.
Volunteer: Musicians of all ages who play an orchestral instrument can volunteer to perform with the symphony. High school students are welcome with a teacher’s recommendation. Visit sitv.org/wp/become-a-member/ or call 877-277-7488 for more information.
Contribute: Sponsor a chair in the orchestra, or make a one-time, monthly or annual contribution at sitv.org/wp/support-us/.
Valley Meals and More
What it does: Valley Meals and More delivers over 520 free meals each week and more than 26,350 meals each year to older adults in eastern Garfield County. The organization also offers medical rides, home visits and care calls, caregiver respite and referrals to partners and service providers.
Where it is: Mailing address is 36 Native Lane, Glenwood Springs
Volunteer: Rotating volunteers deliver meals mid-morning Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, including holidays. Volunteers must drive their own vehicle and have a valid Colorado driver’s license. Go to valleymealsandmore.com/volunteer or call 970-404-1193 for more information.
Contribute: Help provide free meals and more to seniors in need by donating at valleymealsandmore.com/donate.
What it does: YouthZone is dedicated to fostering positive development in more than 1,000 Western Slope youth annually. The organization offers a range of programs focused on intervention, prevention and volunteerism, including youth assessments, individual and family counseling, court programs and monitoring and more.
Where it is: 413 Ninth St., Glenwood Springs, 136 East 12th St., Rifle, and Carbondale and Parachute by appointment.
Volunteer: Work to repair community relations between juvenile offenders and those impacted by crime as a restorative justice volunteer or act as a board member, committee volunteer or fundraise. For more information contact YouthZone at youthzone.com/contact-us/ or call 970-945-9300.
Contribute: Sponsor programs for youths, counseling sessions, educational classes, the restorative justice program and more by making a donation at youthzone.com/give/.