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Applications now being accepted for $30,000 philanthropy/nonprofits fellowships

Press Release | Chronicle of Philanthropy

The Chronicle of Philanthropy is now accepting applications for its Philanthropy & Nonprofit Accountability Fellowship. Each news organization selected receives $30,000 to spend on its coverage of local philanthropy and nonprofits. Fellows join training sessions with experts in philanthropy, investigative reporting and public records throughout the year, and they work closely with Chronicle reporters, who help with sourcing, story development and more. Fellows have produced in-depth reporting on trends in corporate giving to local charities and complex issues including housing, gun violence, refugee resettlement and how disaster recovery funds are spent.

Americans are eager to solve problems in their communities, and nonprofits are the primary pioneers of those solutions. They provide vital services including housing and food to those who need it, after-school programs and services for victims of domestic violence. They are responsible for breakthroughs in technology and public health and can drive public policy debates. One out of every 11 Americans works for a nonprofit, and donors give about $550 billion a year to charity. Despite the influential and often indispensable role these groups play in society, and the vast amount of money they have at their disposal, they operate with little scrutiny. This fellowship is an opportunity to change that in your community. It is funded by a grant from the Lilly Endowment.

Learn more about the fellowship and how to apply by the Jan. 31, 2025 deadline. Please direct questions to

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